"It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices." ~Albus Dumbledor

June 8, 2012

Summer Goals 2012

So I am pretty terrible at making goals. I'm just gonna say that right now (or at least carrying them out). But there is something to be said about making them, that's for sure! The way I see it, if you make goals (and more importantly write them down), then you have something to work for. If you write them down, you will remember them easier, and you will actually have something to do and work on instead of laying around the house all day like a bum (which I have been a culprit of many times...).

So for the summer of 2012, I have decided to make some goals. Woot woot! And I have also decided to post them on this blog so that the readers of said blog can check up on me and tell me to get my rear in gear to work on my goals! So here goes:

1. Read my scriptures and pray every night.
2. Go on a walk at least once a week.
3. Work more hours. (More hours = more mula!)
4. Write an EP and put it on iTunes. (I'll inform ya'll if that happens so you can go check it out!) :)
5. Write on my blog at least once every two weeks.
6. Write in my journal at least once every two weeks.
7. Hang out with my friends. (EASY!)
8. Finish The Hobbit.
9. Spend more time with my parents.
10. Become a dragon.

So there you have it! My 10 goals for the summer of 2012! Farewell fellow blog readers, and enjoy your summers! :D

P.S. I will complete goal 10, if any of you were doubters.

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