"It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices." ~Albus Dumbledor

May 19, 2013

What A Gem

So I have this little notebook that I keep inside of my nightstand drawer right by my bed. It's not like a school notebook; it's more... plump, and has shorter pages. Why I have it, I have no idea. But I love it.

I don't really have a definition for what I write inside of it, because it's really my "write-whatever-the-heck-you-want" notepad. So I guess we could call it my "Random Thought Journal" (oh wait, that's my blog). Yeah, I write all sorts of strange things in it, (poems, thoughts, nothing at all) but I always date my entries, so that I know when it was I jotted down the craziness that came from my brain.

What a gem.

So the other night I couldn't fall asleep. Well, maybe not that I couldn't, but I wasn't trying to. I didn't really want to. I was just sitting on my bed with the pillow against my back and the light on, staring into space, when this thought popped into my head. It was something like, "WRITE. NOW." But since my mind thinks out loud, I didn't spell out the word "write," and so I confused myself because I thought that I had thought, "RIGHT. NOW." And I thought to myself, "WHAT? WHAT'S GOING ON RIGHT NOW??" And then I just confused myself even more cause I thought to my previous thought, thinking, "Why am I talking to myself? And in my mind? That's so weird." So finally I just pulled out my little blue notepad and a pen, and started to try and write down my whole thought process. Trying to get my mind out onto a page, when I didn't have any objective to write about at all.

This is what came out.

Then I put it and the pen back, turned off the light, and fell asleep.

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