"It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices." ~Albus Dumbledor

December 28, 2010

Somewhere In Between

You know those days when you say to yourself, "Man, I have every right to be happy right now, so why aren't I?!" This is one of those days. For me anyways, hopefully not for you ;) Don't ask me why, cause I'm not completely sure. I'm still trying to figure out myself. Questions like, "Why do I have no patience for this kind of thing?" and, "Why is this subject always on my mind?" Many times it's frustrating, and leads to a state of mind that I hate living inside of. Yeah, I'm a confusing kid. But trust me, I try not to be! I try to be as simple as I can so that people can understand me. Maybe it's on my journey to let everybody else see what I am, that I'm lost about myself. It's like one of those one-way glass windows. Everybody can look through and see me, but when I stare back, all I see is dark shaded glass. So today, I'm somewhere in between. In between emotions. Trapped between two conflicting things happening in my life. So how am I feeling about all of this?

Mood of the day: Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Trevor I love all your posts! They are totally classic Trevor and they make me laugh! You are a really good writer, and can think of good ways to put your thought into words! You're such a cool kid! I'm so bummed I haven't gotten to talk to you that much this year, I mean we used to be like super tight (not that we aren't now) but I never see you. We should hang out k? Let's do it. And this was a great post. I've been feeling a lot like that lately. Have you ever had it when you're so ticked off at someone or something but you don't even know why? they're just bugging you? (Kind of like you do every day? Just kidding trevor, you never bug me.) But I really love your posts, talk to you soon, hopefully, if you ever even get this :) tootles!
    -kenz :)


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