"It is not our abilities that determine who we are, it is our choices." ~Albus Dumbledor

February 21, 2010

Good times!

Aww man! Today was our last Joseph performance! :( Everyone was crying, it was sad! But we had so many good memories :D We went to Arctic Circle as a cast after the last performance on Saturday night to hang out and just to have fun! Awwww man!! I was super hyper!!!! It was awesome! I was so hyper that I even got the cast to dance in a few songs with me! :D Hahaha, but now I think I've lost my voice, hahaha! One of my most favorite parts of being in a play is hanging out after the Saturday night performance is over, even though it's super sad. :'( ....But we have one more cast party after school on Tuesday in Miss Boren's room!! :D Yeah!!!
This is Dan, sayin' "Good bye yall! I'll be hopin' that I'll be a seein ya soon!!" And Trevor saying, "Amen Dan!!!!"


  1. boohoo i'm so sad for you! :'( See look a tear! :)

  2. All that dancing made you hungry! That's why you ate all those donuts! You did awesome in the play.

    -Jackie QK


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